Thursday, July 12, 2012

Primera Semana

My first week was filled with lots of time to get to know Maracaibo a little bit better.  It also was good to relax and get used to the Spanish here.  It was difficult because I have learned Mexican Spanish and some Spanish from Argentina.  If you don't know, each country that speaks Spanish has it's own accent and own slang, on top of that regions within each country have their own slang and phrases, so it's impossible to know all of Spanish for every country. 

Saturday June 30, 2012
We washed the car! haha. It's different here, you take it to the car wash and wait around 30 minutes while they hand wash it and clean the inside too.  Later I got to go to the mall! Oh my gosh! It's AWESOME! It's so big, and the stores were really expensive.  The majority of people buy their clothes in the US because they're so much cheaper.  Oh my gosh.  We filled up the tank in their car for 50 cents. 50 CENTS for a full tank!! [Because Venezuela is a worldwide provider of oil, their gas is almost free and their natural gas is free.]

Tuesday July 3, 2012
No hospital.
So on Monday we went to two hospitals.  The first was really small and told us to go to the Universtiy one because it's bigger.  So we go to that one.  It's big, but crappy.  And to top it off, they all love Chavez. [Chavez hates the US by the way.] So we finally found the people to talk to and they said we had to write a letter and bring it back the next day. 
So today [Tuesday] ...we ran errands and came back for lunch.  Oh, and here you have to eat everything on the plate, even if you don't like it. So lots of rice for me!  Praise the Lord I didn't have to eat beans today.  And I had to try plantain that isn't cooked, I almost threw up. Oh, I downloaded an app that lets me call to the US for free. [So I went to the University hospital, and they told me the hospital was too big for me to work there. That was their excuse anyways.] 

Wednesday July 4, 2012
Happy Fourth of July! I didn't do much all day and listened to the national anthem. Being here really helps me really how grateful I am because I was born with so much freedom and opportunity.  I'm proud to be from such a great country , but I am [upset] at what the people have become.  Ph yeah, we tried to go to an American English Institute so it was closed, just my luck. 

Here's what God had been showing me through that week.

  • 2 Samuel 1:12 -- David mourned Saul.  He mourned over the man who tried to kill him.
  • 2 Samuel 1:26 -- Bros before hoes!
  • 1 Corinthians 3:11 -- Jesus Christ is our foundation.
Do you know that you are a temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you?
-1 Corinthians 3:16
"Your body is a WONDERLAND"

  • 1 Corinthians 4:1 -- We are servants of Christ.  Stewards to others to point others towards Christ.
For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but POWER.
-1 Corinthians 4:20

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