On June 9 I will embark on an amazing week-long journey with my church and another local church, Christian Fellowship Church, to go to Sacaton, Arizona! The village I will be ministering in is about 45 minutes outside of Phoenix, but it is a completely different world. I will be on a Native American reservation working with the Pima Indians. We will be ministering doing vacation bible school to two different villages each day. We will do one VBS in the morning and the second in the afternoon. My job for the trip is to be the leader of the 2nd and 3rd graders! What a blessing! I am so excited to see all the amazing ways that God is going to move on this trip and in these people!
After my time in Arizona, my church and I actually have the privilege to bring back around five girls from the reservation to Kentucky to come to church camp with us at Crossings at Jonathan Creek! These girls have never left the reservation, never even seen grass! This is the perfect opportunity for my group and me to show these girls the opportunities life in Christ offers and how amazing a relationship with Him truly is!
Just a few days after church camp on June 27th, I will be leaving for Maracaibo, Venezuela! My friend Said, who is an exchange student who goes to my church invited me to come to Venezuela with him this summer! I will be doing mission work there, most likely working in a children's hospital or possibly teaching English! I'll be there for a little over a month, returning on the last day of July. I can't wait to visit South America and have the amazing opportunity to share God's word with the beautiful people of Venezuela!
This summer will be very busy and very eventful, but it is for God's glory. There is nothing I would rather be doing than serving God this summer! I ask for your prayers for my team, the peoples of Arizona and Venezuela, and myself this summer as we all embark on a memorable trip this summer!
In Christ,